Company Logo (homepage link) |
Company Name (additional link) |
Products and (some) direct Links |

The design engineers of
MnZn and NiZn ferrite ( Dr. J. Snoek ) |

formerly Philips,
now part of the Yageo Group,
meanwhile renamed to Chilisin Group |
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI Suppression Cores
New Handbook / Catalog HB2013 -- PDF file is 10 MB

Offline Selection Guide PSG2013 -- PDF file is 29 MB

I found an error in the PSG2013 above. Toroid information for the types between TC6.3 to TN29 is missing for the materials 3E27 to 4C65.
After reporting this twice I got NO reaction at all.
Finally the download is offline now! Above link is to my own backup copy.
The missing information can be replaced with the info on pagenumber 91 from the previous PSG2003 (In the PDF page 92).
As one extracted page it can also be found here.
Previous HB2009 backup in PDF, is about 7.5 MB

Previous PSG2003 backup in PDF, is about 4 MB

Some ferrite datasheets from the 1970 CM4 book

And some info from the 1973 CM4


The inventers and first producers of early (non-ideal) CuZn ferrites Born out of research
done in 1930 by Dr. Yogoro Kato and Dr. Takeshi Takei.
TDK Components Japan
Electronic components and materials, now the EPCOS Products (ex-Siemens) and TDK have merged to one catalog
My TDK-EPCOS ferrite databook 2013 backup, is about 8 MB

ELNA TDK-EPCOS ferrite databook 2013 backup

Ferrite info page
TDK - The Children's Ferrite (!!) and Science Museum
TDK - The TDK History Museum
TDK Components Japan
Electronic and optical components
For Ferrite Cores info page see TDK Japan:
Ferrite info page
TDK Nine Big Co TDK Taiwan
Web page has changed and is incomplete |
Electronic and optical components
LINK to ferrite core page.

(Product Selection Page)
In cooperation with Amidon |
Ferrite Cores and Beads, Balun cores, Coil forms, Iron Powder Inductor Material. Also traded by Amidon!
Backup link to the 17th catalog, about 26 MB

LINK to: Use of ferrites in broadband transformers
LINK to: How to choose ferrite components for EMI supression
LINK to: Flyer Ferrites cores for EMI suppression
An archived much smaller older 15th version, about 9 MB

Micrometals |
Powdered Iron Cores mostly for Power Conversion Applications, also toroids for RF applications available. Also traded by Amidon as Txx-y!
Download hightmp 200C Series, Issue C - PDF (1.6 MB)  
Download Q Curve, Issue H - PDF (17.5 MB)

Download Powder Cores Series, Issue L - PDF (6.7 MB)

Download RF Catalog, Issue H - PDF (4 MB)

Download 2019-2020 Catalog, Issue H - PDF (13.5 MB)

LINK to literature index page
LINK to materials index page
See also a combination of the Arnold and Micrometals program further down.

Amidon Inc.

Product Selection
Ferrite Cores and Beads, Balun cores, Coil forms, Iron Powder Inductor Material. The site is crippled, no direct PDF available, so some direct local links

LINK to: Ferrite Toroidal Cores PDF [= Fair-Rite]

LINK to: Iron Powder Toroidal Cores PDF [= Micrometals]

LINK to: Amidon LineCard Data in PDF
Magnetics |
Ferrites, Powder Cores, Strip Wound Cores, Metals.
LINK to Toroid Design-Tools page
LINK to Toroid Design Guides page
The 2017 Ferrite Catalog - 5.2 MBytes

Short Form Ferrite Catalog (fc-601 replacement) - 2.5 MBytes

Technical bulletin - Ferrite Selection Guide - 2.3 MBytes

The 2020 Powder Core Catalog - 2.5 MBytes

The 2017 Powder Core Catalog - 4.5 MBytes

LINK to Powder Core info page
LINK to much more info from the Technical Documents page
FerriShield is NOW Leader Tech
EMI Suppression Cores
LINK to the Ferrite cable shielding page
Direct to the literature page
Direct link to my own backup of the old original Ferrishield 2009 catalog
Group Arnold |
Group Arnold makes mostly HARD Magnetics.
But also Metal-powder Soft Magnetics, however, this part is sold to Micrometals. See next item.
LINK to the Spec sheet from the Nickel Irons and Soft magnetics page.
Micrometals / Arnold |
Group Arnold (above) makes mostly HARD Magnetics. The Soft Magnetics Metal-powder division is bought out by Micrometals.
Now with its own web page!
Direct link to a backup of the 2012 catalog, about 4.5 MB

Direct link to my own backup of the 2012 catalog
Directly to Ferrites |
Ferrite Toroids, Balun Cores, EMI suppression cores, Transformer Cores,
multi-hole ferrite plates for connectors.
Direct links to Laird Ferrite Toroid and Balun Core Literature NO LONGER AVAILABLE, go to my backup server:
Backup Toroid Balun & Cable Core Brochure, about 2.8 MB

Backup Toroid & Balun Core Master Catalog, about 3.8 MB

LINK to Laird Resources/Brochures page
Toroid & Balun Core Master Catalog, about 3.8 MB

(same as backup above)

Old Steward, backup stuff on server
Ferrite Toroids, Balun Cores, EMI suppression cores, Transformer Cores,
multi-hole ferrite plates for connectors.
Toroid catalog backup V10 in PDF, is about 2.4 MB

Toroid catalog backup V11 in PDF, is about 3.6 MB

formerly Siemens now under TDK |
Ferrite information
LINK to ferrite info Page
LINK to ferrite download Page
NEW EPCOS 2013 catalog ! in PDF, is about 8 MB

The same as in the TDK row above
EPCOS 2000 shortform archive in PDF, is about 4.5 MB

Extract from 08-2001 archive in PDF, is about 3.0 MB

Older Siemens_Matsushita archive in PDF, is about 12 MB


PRAMET Šumperk
via DOE s.r.o. trade
Original English website withdrawn
After Siemens/Epcos aquired Pramet Šumperk ferrites in 1999 to make the Siemens cores they still make today their own (secret??) Fonox line of ferrites that doesn't fit in the new TDK/Epcos program. Those cores that are still in stock are distributed NOT by Pramet or TDK/Siemens/Epcos, but by DOE s.r.o..
PDF catalogue of Pramet Fonox still available over
 here, it looks like the former bi-lingual Siemens or Neosid catalog!
PDF 2023-catalogue of Pramet stock items

Honeywell MetGlas
Inductive Components for Energy (switch power) and power corrector applications. But NO ferrites!
The toroids are NOT made of ferrite but - as the name suggests - are glass-like crystalized metals. The are NOT suitable for RF, but ideal for (low freq.) transformers and filters!!
LINK to the brochure page with PDF's
VACUUMSCHMELZE is a leading global manufacturer of advanced magnetic materials
NO ferrites, but nanocrystalline alloys. Very high AL, ideal for (high power, also mains) low loss transformers and filters
LINK to the Brochure download page
LINK to the Vitroperm page

VOGT Electronic
Now member of the Sumida coil company group |
Services EMC and basic Inductive Components
Link to Cores and Accessories PDF page.
The general SUMIDA product catalog (27 Mb pdf)
The SUMIDA inductor catalog (5 Mb pdf)
The archived 2011 SUMIDA/VOGT catalog (12.5 Mb pdf)
The archived 2008 VOGT catalog (30 Mb pdf)

MMG Canada
also acquired:
Krystinel /
Neosid UK / Salford UK (SEI) / EID Parry India |
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI
Suppression Cores
LINK to Ferrite & Iron Powder Products
The original MMG/Neosid catalog (7Mb pdf)

MMG MagDev
Molybdenum permalloy powder cores (MPP cores) = Low AL value and High flux powder cores.
Also info available about standard Manganese and Nickel Zinc ferrites.
Look for direct PDF info above at the MMG Canada link to Ferrite & Iron Powder Products
LINK to cross-ref-list page
LINK directly to the Technical Data - Soft Magnetics page
LINK to MMG-India for toroid information
Neosid Pemetzrieder GmbH & Co. KG
Link to products page |
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI Suppression Cores
I can't find a recent catalog on their site so one from my own archives:
The archived 2011 catalogue - 17 MBytes
Kaschke KG is taken over by Bourns
Soft magnetic ferrites and inductive components
MnZn power applications.
MnZn info page.
NiZn info page.
My backup Complete new 2016 catalogue - 15 MBytes
TSC Ferrite International
Ferrite Cores
Also for: Pyroferric International, Inc. Powder iron cores
LINK to ferrite info Page

formerly Thomson afterwards Kyocera Group
Original TPC Taiwan Lastly sold to TAK Taiwan |
No Ferrite cores, Bobbins, Hardware anymore! No longer manufactured - All discontinued
Last archived 2007 PDF ferrite catalog is 1 MB

LINK to filter products Page
Old large AVX catalog archive in PDF, is about 3.8 MB

acquisition of AVX-Kyocera |
TAK TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd., Taiwan, R.O.C.
Cores manufacturer, has put special effort in the research and development of SMD cores with high AL value.
LINK to ferrite products page.
Ferronics Inc.
now part of National Magnetics Group, Inc.

Ferronics Inc. is a U.S. based manufacturer of ferrite components
now part of National Magnetics Group, Inc., like Ceramic Magnetics Inc.
LINK to Materials Page
Ferrics Technology Co., Ltd

Haining Zhejiang Province, China |
Ferrics Inc. is a large manufacturer of ferrite components and transformers
LINK to Transformers and Ferrites Product Page

Former Logo:
directly to the magnetics info

The name of the Company ISKRA FERITI, d.o.o. has been changed. The new name is: KOLEKTOR MAGMA d.o.o. - Ljubljana - Slovenia
Soft and hard ferrite, low and high perm., power & low loss materials, standard and custom designed MnZn and NiZn ferrite cores
Comparable material as substitute for other manufacturers, see:
Unfortunately you have to make a simple login account to obtain more information.
Some time ago I captured some Cross Ref Lists from their site
LINK to a PDF file with an early ISKRA Cross Ref List
LINK to a PDF file with a newer ISKRA Cross Ref List
LINK to a PDF file with a KOLEKTOR Cross Ref List
Magnetec GmbH

Products for power control electronics
New soft magnetic materials
LINK to the documents download page.
in English |
High Quality Ferrites from Saint-Peterburg - Russia
LINK to Soft Ferrite Cores
LINK to Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn Ferrites Properties.
Ferrite Domen Co
in English |
High Quality Ferrites from Saint-Peterburg - Russia
Probably due to the war in Ukraine all Russian Ferrite Domen links are blocked.
LINK to Soft Magnetic Metal Powder Cores
LINK to Ferrite Inductors and Transformers
A metal powder core infosheet in PDF, is about 0.15 MB

ACME Magnetics Taiwan
High quality Soft Ferrites produced in the Asia region
Manganese-Zinc and Nickel-Zinc Soft Ferrite Cores
LINK to ACME products and material info page
LINK to ACME products Catalog in PDF
ACME Malaysia
ACME Ferrite Products Sdn. Bhd. Production facility of mainly high quality
Nickel Zinc soft ferrites in Malaysia
LINK to first Toroids Page
Ceramic Magnetics, Inc.
now part of National Magnetics Group, Inc. |
Ceramic Magnetics offers a wide variety of Manganese Zinc(MnZn) and Nickel Zinc (NiZn) ferrites
LINK to Materials Page
Germany |
Götz-Udo Hartmann GmbH & Co. KG Hartu SARL
specialised in custom and standard inductors (product brand: HARTU)
site in German language
new name in NL is :
Essentra Components |
Richco specializes in fasteners, circuit board hardware, wire routing products, cable ties, clips, clamps, fiber optics, and telecommunication accessories. But also EMI suppression ferrites! Richco offers a wide variety of ferrite cores to solve all your EMI/RFI problems. Our range extends from solid, split ferrite for round and ribbon cable, to Surface Mount Devices (SMD) Ferrite chips, beads and inductors.
Direct LINK to the Dutch ferrite page on the NL site.
Germany |
Manufacturers of magnetic powders, magnets, hard (!) ferrites and magnet systems.
I can't find any SOFT ferrites anymore.
Hitachi Metals America |
Hitachi Metals America is sold to Bain and changed its name to Proterial


Earlier name: Sumitomo Special Metals Co.
Mainly ferrite magnets and ceramics. Permanent magnet operations merged with Hitachi Metals to form NEOMAX CO. Changed again.....
All old weblinks disabled, for reference only !! Look for NEOMAX on the new Proterial site next item
Proterial America |
(Soft) Ferrite cores, although there is more activity in the hard ferrite (magnets) production.

LINK to Soft Magnetics info Page

LINK to old NEOMAX info Page
supported by Hitachi

Permanent magnets cores

LINK to the magnet materials sub frame
No soft ferrites anymore?
National Magnetics Group

Manufacturers of technical ceramics (magnetic and advanced materials) and powdered iron cores
LINK to Ferrite Materials Info Page
MARKETA Hong Kong |
Magnets and Ferrite cores

LINK to products overview
 Korea/Japan |
Isu Korea is merged with Toda Japan
Isu Ceramics has been developing various types of Inductive applications and Soft Ferrite core products
LINK to products info Page
Shinn Der Electronic Co
 Taiwan |
Main products include NiZn & MnZn Material Ferrite Core for SMD Powerinductor and all kinds of coils & transformers
LINK to MnZn material info Page
LINK to NiZn material info Page
LINK to Toroid cores info Page
Directly to:
SAMWHA Electronics Ferrite Page
 org. from Korea |
Main products: components for the electronic industry, among them Ferrite Cores
LINK to page with ferrite cores information data
LINK to page with magnetic powder cores information data
TOMITA Electric Co
 Taiwan |
Main products Ferrite Cores, coils and transformers
LINK to ferrite core info Page

formerly Nippon Ceramic |
Ferrite Cores and Bobbins
LINK to ferrite info for current sensors
Magneton St.-Petersburg, Russia |
Microwave ferrite materials is our core product Soft magnetic materials Radio Components
FerriTex St.-Petersburg, Russia |
Microwave ferrite materials is our core product Magneton St.-Petersburg, Russia produces our ferrites
FerroShield |
EMI/EMC Components Supplier |
Harper |
Lesser ferrite manufacturing, nowadays more towards Technical Ceramics and metal powders only
FDK Corporation |
All sorts of Electronic Components
Nanjing Jinning Sanhuan FDK Co., Ltd
now part of:
FDK Corporation |
All sorts of ferrite products
LINK to ring cores page
Archived old JSF_JSM 2003 catalog - 800kB

Nanjing New Conda Magnetic Industrial Co., Ltd |
LINK to MnZn datasheet page
MAJR Products Corporation |
EMI/RFI Shielding Products
LINK to MAJR datasheet page, look at the bottom

now: TOKIN Kemet company
formerly TOKIN
formerly NEC/TOKIN
The product range has been changed after takeover by Kemet. This site is for the Japanese market only and in Japanese.
For global info go to:
KEMET page.
Central Electronics Ltd.
Sahibabad (U.P.) - India |
moving away from ferrites and more in application devices.
Mahindra Hinoday
Ferrite link |
A Single source for Magnets, Ferrite Cores and Magnetic Products.
the web page is hosted by another company. |
U.S. Electronics
They used to sell Soft Ferrite cores, but not anymore? COSMO Ferrites Ltd. is manufacturing the ferrite cores |
COSMO COSMO Ferrites Limited - India
Soft ferrite cores for electronic ballast and power supply markets
LINK to Toroid Details
Catalog Ferrite materials in PDF is 9 MB

HUOH YOW Enterprise Co.
All sorts of MnZn and NiZn ferrite cores
Use top bar Product List links to see additional information.
Magtech Magnetic Products Corp Taiwan |
Magtech Magnetic Products Corp is a leading manufacturer of Permanent Magnets and Ferrite Cores in Taiwan
Kitagawa Industries Taiwan |
Main products: EMI shielding, grounding (shielding against EMI emission) and EMI filtering
LINK to EMI page.
Chia Pi Electrical Co |
Out of business??
Magnet Industry Ltd TAIWAN |
(split) Flat cable ferrites -- MnZn and powder iron toroids
LINK to toroids page.
Tianjin Huigao Magnetics Company Ltd China |
Marque Magnetics Ltd. of New Zealand invested in Tianjin Huigao, forming a joint venture with Tianjin Company.
LINK to Huigao magnetic components info page.
Marque Magnetics Ltd New Zealand
Marque Magnetics Ltd. of New Zealand invested in Tianjin Huigao, forming a joint venture with Tianjin Company.
LINK to Marque Magnetics Custom ferrite cores info page.
HIMAG Magnetic Corporation Taiwan |
CSC Group -- HIMAG Magnetic Corporation, Taiwan Iron Oxide powder and Ferrite cores.
magnetic powder page.
Bipolar Electronic Co.
Taiwan |
Specialized in NiZn ferrite cores and all kinds of ferrite core applications
LINK to products info page.
LINK to ferrite core materials page.
Yeng Tat Electronics Co., Ltd.
Taiwan, R.O.C. |
The main product of the company is Ferrite Cores, specialized in NiZn as wel as MnZn ferrite cores in many shapes. PDF's are only Acro7 and higher compatible.
Download 2018 standard Ferrite Cores list in PDF (6.5 MB)

Download 2018 SMD Ferrite Cores list in PDF (3.6 MB)

Infantron Singapore Singapore |
Soft magnetic powder cores. The soft magnetic materials available from Infantron include the molybdenum permalloy powder cores (MPP cores),
High flux powder cores and Sendust powder cores. Micrometals / Arnold material!
LINK to Product page on Infantron Singapore site.
Haining Ferriwo Electronics Co. Ltd.
China (PRC) |
Ferriwo Electronics makes soft ferrite materials in 33 kinds of compositions, and makes more than 3500 different kinds of soft ferrite cores including MnZn and NiZn materials.
LINK to the products page. Make your choice in the top bar or use one of the links given below.
LINK to the MnZn Cross Ref List. This is page 8 of the MnZn PDF catalog
Download MnZn Ferrite Core Catalogue in PDF (98 MB) slow

Download NiZn Ferrite Core Catalogue in PDF (30 MB) slow


DMEGC magnetic Ltd. China (PRC) |
Hard Alloy's, Battery's, Hard Ferrite Magnets, Ferrite Powder, and ... Soft Ferrite Core's in high and low permeability.
LINK to Soft Ferrite products page and material info.
FengHua (HK) Electronics Ltd.
Hong Kong (PRC) |
All sorts of electronic components, among them large quantities of ferrite chip inductors
LINK to chip inductors products page.
Chinese (Guangdong) Holding |
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd.
website / division out of business?
representative DMEGC |
Fericor is an European sales and technical representative of the Chinese company DMEGC.
Hard Alloy cores, Hard Ferrite Magnets, Ferrite Powder, Soft Ferrite Core's in high and low permeability.
LINK to Ferrite products page, click left for window refresh. Some links go directly to DMEGC.
TDG Holding CO. China P.C.
Link to Electronic materials |
ZHEJIANG TIANTONG ELECTRONICS CO..LTD. develops and manufactures MnZn and NiZn based soft ferrite cores.
LINK to Ferrite Information. (slow)
deeper links are not in English?

(page version 1) |
YUXIANG Magnetic Materials Ind. Co
China P.C. |
Main products: magnetic materials,
I don't see the soft magnetic products anymore
See next item with ferrite link.
(page version 2) |
Yuxiang Magnetic Materials Ind Co Ltd.
China P.C. |
Main products: magnetic materials, but also soft ferrites and iron powder toroids
LINK to "version 2" web-site with ferrite products
Main products: Bridge rectifiers, but also ferrite cores
LINK to: Toroid Type Core information page, if still available.....
Shanghai Magway Magnetic Co., Ltd
Shanghai Magway Magnetic Co., Ltd Magnetic products which are focused on the power supplies, telecommunications, computer and consumer electronics products industries.
LINK to: Ferrite Core information page - NO toroids anymore
 Geen pepermunt |
King Core Electronics Co
Main products: soft Mn-Zn ferrite core and other electronic components made of magnetic materials
LINK to Clamp Cores for Round Cable
LINK to solid EMI suppression ferrite cores
Crown Ferrite Enterprise Co.
Taiwan |
Crown Ferrite Enterprise Co. - Production of Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ferrite cores Works together with China Factory (Crystal Ferrite Co., LTD.)
LINK to material menu
LINK to ferrite cores menu
TGL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD - Production of Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ferrite cores
Ferrico Corporation
China |
Ferrico Corporation is an expert manufacturer of ferrite core products for EMI solutions.
LINK to products information
LINK to material lines
UNAVAILABLE Out of business??
Pro Core Enterprise Co Taiwan |
Main products: produce the satisfied low loss, high permeability material
Encore Electronics Technology Co |
Ferrite Products for The Electronics Industry
LINK to Products Information
LINK to Toroids PDF
Core-Tech Corporation
Taiwan |
Company is a leading full-line ferrite components supplier for EMI suppression, power and other materials
LINK to Products
LINK to Toroids
Core Master Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Factory in China P.C. |
Power inductors, choke coils and ferrite cores
Producer of many types of forms and material types, among them MnZn, NiZn, Iron powder materials
LINK to Products page
LINK to Download page
Download catalog in PDF (3 MB)

Download only the EMI ferrite core list in PDF (0.5 MB)

Superrite Electronics Co., Ltd.
Taiwan |
Superrite Electronics Co., Ltd. main products: all sorts of Magnets - Ferrite Cores (Ni-Zn & Mn-Zn Ferrite) - Varistors a.s.o.
LINK to MnZn Ferrite Core Products page
LINK to NiZn Ferrite Core Products page
E Core Corporation
Company is a leading full-line ferrite components supplier for EMI suppression, power and other materials
EroCore Corporation
Taiwan |
Company is a leading full-line ferrite components supplier for EMI suppression, power and other materials
LINK to MnZn Toroids Info page
AEM, Inc.
AEM is a manufacturer of electronic components, among them chip beads, power beads, and ferrite/ceramic inductors
LINK to inductive components page
NO ferrites anymore, but all sorts of Ceramic Resonator Components
China P.C.
Manufacturer of magnets and magnetic material components All sorts of magnets and also ferrite cores
LINK to Ferrite Cores page |
Magengine Co.,Ltd
China P.C.
Manufacturer of magnets and magnetic material components All sorts of magnets and also ferrite cores
LINK to Soft Ferrite Cores page |
Nanjing Hengchuang Magnetic Electronics Co., Ltd
China P.C.
Manufacturer of high power and high frequency ferrite material components All sorts of ferrite cores
China P.C.
Manufacturer of magnetic material components, cores and inductors
JFE FERRITE CORPORATION a JFE Holding company for Kawatetsu Ferrites
Japan, China P.C.,
Hong Kong, Thailand
main JFE Ferrite Company Shareholders a.o. : Kawatetsu Ferrite Corporation and Kawasaki Steel Corporation
Ferrite product distributed by Elite Magnetics, Inc - see supplier page
LINK to Kawatetsu Ferrite products

Huzhou Careful Magnetism & Electron Group
China P.C. |
The "Careful Industrial" group is probably the same holder company for:
Manufacturing all sorts of magnetic iron powder / ferrites and finished products. Now found under CIfeng, former under KEfeng?
LINK to EMI products page

Young HWA Ferrite Co., Ltd
Korea |
Young HWA Ferrite Co., Ltd - Production of Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ferrite cores in many shapes
LINK to Young HWA Ferrite products page
LINK to Young HWA MnZn info page
LINK to Young HWA NiZn info page